结盟众多企业“教练”, 共同设计、开发及提供人才培养解决方案,通过新颖多样的学习方式,针对性的定制化内容,助力企业全面提升竞争优势。
“软件项目质量不满足预期!”,“软件在快发布时,问题频现!”,“开发同样规模的软件,实际费用频繁超值!”,“尽管Agile了,但是在交付时的质量不满意!”,“连续做同一个产品,但是不知道产品质量尤其是开发团队的能力是否提高,否则团队和组织的竞争力就在相对环境中不断降低?”,“产品线出现同样或同类的问题!”,“组织里面各个项目组相对独立运行,如何知道组织能力在提高?”“每年的研发费用预算越来越捉襟见肘,但是感觉好像每个项目或小组的运行方式都是习惯的,如何解决?” ……
n 研发项目经理,部门经理,质量经理,组织流程改进人员
n 需要深入了解研发机构流程定义,改进及提高的技术人员
篇章 | 内容大纲 | |
第一单元 研发流程概述 |
一切皆流程 : 用流程的眼看世界 研发流程概述 :为什么项目失败?组织研发效率问题?… 研发流程特征及演进 研发质量改进活动的历史 |
第二单元 定义及确认问题 |
1.什么是问题?问题的拥有者.2问题的类别 |
改进类和设计类 效率类、品质类 复杂程度不同的问题在方法论 |
第三单元 解决改进类问题的方法论与工具(DMAIC) |
1、定义 Validate or refine the business opportunity and charter, illustrate their business processes, define customer requirements, and prepare themselves to be an effective project team |
确认及起草团队行动宪章 Validate/Develop Team Charter 映射目标流程 Map process 识别快速缓解方法及无价值流程 Identify Quick Wins/Non Value Added 平衡并转换客户VOC到关键流程 Translate VOC/VOB to CTQs/CTPs 当天总结及答疑 |
现状情况分类确定(品质类和效率率指标、VOC分析、Y的定义、项目的基线及目标、控制图、SIPOC,柏拉图,初步投资回报分析CBA) As-Is Functional Deployment Map Team Charter Cost Benefit Analysis(high-level) Milestone Development Process Mapping Project Plan Quick Win SIPOC Value Added Analysis Voice of the Customer Define Checklist |
2、测量 Identify critical measures that are necessary to evaluate the success of meeting critical customer requirements, develop a Measurement Plan to effectively collect data, and establish baseline performance |
识别输入,流程及输出指示指标 Identify input, process, and output indicators 开发度量计划及操作定义Develop Measurement Plan & operational definitions 度量系统分析 Measurement Systems Analysis 基线水平评估 Evaluate baseline performance 流程控制及能力 Process Control & Capability |
线水平,因果分析图,因果分析矩阵,缺陷质量成本,度量计划,度量关系矩阵,度量树,质量功能部署,相关因数对比矩阵 Baseline Performance Cause & Effect Diagram Cause and Effect Matrix Cost of Poor Quality Measurement Plan Measurement Relationships Measurement Tree Operational Definitions QFD Relationship Matrix Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Measure Checklist |
3、分析 Identify and validate the root causes of poor performance. Determine sources of variation and potential failure modes that lead to customer dissatisfaction Y=f(Xs). |
识别潜在根本原因 Identify potential root causes 确认根本原因 Validate root causes 利用统计工具确认 Use statistical tools 了解对比分析方法 Comparative Methods 变动源头分析 SOV studies 缺陷模式效果分析 FMEA 回归分析 Regression analysis 控制图 Control charts 当天总结及答疑 |
5个为什么工具,是与非分析,柏拉图5,中心极限定律、假设检验,比例检验、T检验、ANOVA&回归及相关分析,卡方检验 Why's Tool Is Is-Not Analysis Pareto Charting Analyze Checklist |
4、改进 Identify, evaluate, and select the right improvement solution(s). To develop a change management approach to assist the organization in adapting to the changes introduced through solution implementation." |
实验设计 Design of Experiments (screening/RSM) 潜在方案生成 Generate solutions 方案评估及选择Evaluate and select solution(s) including benefits 与干系人沟通方案 Communicate solution(s) to stakeholders 准备实施计划 Prepare Implementation Plan |
筛选量化DOE,头脑风暴(产生),效率类(自动化,防错防呆),方案矩阵(选择) Affinity Diagram Communication Plan Cost Benefit Analysis(high-level) Force Field Analysis Lateral Thinking Pilot Implementation Plan Six Hats Solution Map Solution Selection Matrix To be Functional Deployment Process Map Verify Results Improve Checklist |
5、控制 Implement the solution(s), develop a plan to maintain the gains, identify replication and standardization opportunities, and provide closure to the team effort. |
实施方案 Implement solution 方案成果确认 Verify results of solution 集成方案到日常生产和管理流程 Integrate and manage solution(s) in daily work processes 识别复制与标准化机会 Identify replication and standardization opportunities 项目结束 Closure activities |
SPC, SOP(标准化),控制计划 FMEA Lessons Learned Out of Control Action Plan Poka Yoke Process Control Plan Standardization and Replication Standards and Procedures Doc Control Checklist |
第四单元 总结与分享 |
DMAIC思路总结 研发流程改进与提高的注意事项及经验分享 |
总结及认证考试归纳 Case study 完整实际案例分享或学员案例讨论 |